Parent Info

Below are some useful guides that you may find helpful.
Children and family Centres
Activities, services and support for families with children under five.

Learning and play activities
Children and family centres, provide group activities for children to learn and develop through play and parents to learn about their child. They are a great way to meet other mums, dads, and carers. Play sessions include story time, music and rhymes, sensory experiences, messy play, arts and crafts, and much more.
Informative sessions and courses cover baby massage, building closer relationships, communication and language, food and nutrition, active families, healthy teeth, feeding, sleep support, and much more.

Chingford Children and Family Centre Hub
5 Oaks Grove
E4 6EY
020 8496 1551
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9am-5pm

Walthamstow Children and Family Centre Hub
313 Billet Road
E17 5PX
020 8496 3511
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9am-5pm

Parenting and family support

Lloyd Park Children’s Charity (LPCC) offer the following parent support groups and programmes:

  • Flourish – a support group for parents with low mood or high anxiety levels
  • Somewhere to belong – a group for children with special educational needs


They also provide baby and food banks:

Early Help

The Early Help Service works in partnership with other professionals, parents and carers to intervene early in a child’s life to ensure that children have the best start in life. The aim is to address problems at the earliest opportunity – before they can escalate – and to enable families to support their children to reach their full potential.


Waltham Forest SEND Service

If you would like to find out anymore information about Special Educational Needs, follow the link below

Waltham Forest Health and child development

Midwives, health visitors and infant feeding specialists all work together in our centres to support parents and provide child health checks:

Remember to register for your eRedbook, the NHS secure digital child health record.

Healthy Eating
Things to do